New Eden Childcare Center

We will move out! New Eden orphanage center plans to move from a rural area to an Urban area near Hinthada Association compound coming 2017. They are currently located in a small village near Kaw Thar Baptist Church, Mandalaygone. Lacking of transportation to and from school is making them move out to a better place for their  future education. Naw Htay Lar Saung, Care and Counselling director, said, "Children are organized under the leadership of their caregivers. They are doing well and also help in growing vegetables to save their kitchen expenses. Even though we have only 2 staff to take care of 18 children, we are blessed by members from Kaw Thar Baptist church who always help us by taking care of children." We will miss you Kaw Thar Baptist Church!

Staff and kids from New Eden Child Care Center

Maung San Ko Ko cutting dry wood

Working on the weekends

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