Distributing Mosquito Nets in Ywa Thit Village

An email from one of our colleagues:

I distributed 37 mosquito nets at Ywa Thit village in Twan Tay township. That is the place of mangoes and mosquitoes. We participated in their worship program. My cousin preached and I prayed for them. Each of 36 families received a mosquito net.

They gave us 4 full bags of mangoes. It is impossible to eat them all. We distributed them in another village, Nyaung Ywa.

They thanked Friends of Burma (FOB) so much. I also thank FOB for receiving mangoes from them. Some said they were using the old dirty nets, and kept the new ones for visitors.

I would like to say thank you to FOB for protecting poor people from mosquito bites. Now, the time of mosquitoes is starting. I distributed some other mosquito nets to nearby villages.

It is too hot here. The monsoon will be starting soon. There is a low pressure in the Bay of Bengal. We need rain. I have to spend one and a half hour for watering the plants everyday. But some plants still died.


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