Twenty Dollar Christmas gift

Sometimes we stumble on to a meaningful program. A report from Neil:

A person in our church at Fort Wayne gave the minister $400 with the instructions he was to give twenty dollars to twenty members with the instructions to keep $10 for themselves and give $10 to a person that $10 would encourage, make them feel good about receiving it, and feel someone cares about them. I thought it was a good idea. Most of the people I love do not need Christmas gifts but Christmas is the time of giving. So I decided to repeat the project in Burma. I gave out five gifts to five friends with the same instructions.

Here is one report.

Dear Neil & Diana, Thank you so much for receiving $20. As you want me to give $10 to those who are in need I've already given to them but I also want to participate in this contribution and I added my $10 to this contribution. The needy people are 3 Indian Christian orphans, and their mother recently died and their father died 10 years ago. They live in Aung Kyaw Gone. The elder girl has to have a medical checkup because she takes care of her mother who has HIV almost 3 months closely without knowing about AIDS. Their house also needs to repair it because it is not safe for young girls. I've never known them before but when I heard about them I felt so sorry for them I went to their house and give this $20.
I am sending you a picture taken before their mother died, and their house.

In His service,
Naw Paw Gaw

We are planning to offer this program in our Fall Newsletter. The feedback we received suggested we suggest $50 ($10 plus $40) which will really help more rather than five $20. We are going to try and raise money on a public funding site. If you would like to help with this project, please contact us at:

If you would like to donate, you can do so at our website.

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