An unedited report from one of our colleagues in Burma.
It is no rain today. I go to Dun Da Bet Church to distribute mosquito nets. The church is beautiful. There are 275 members according to the record.
We bring 36 nets with us. The road is narrow, muddy and slippery. |
Primary School. |
Rev. Mar No (Dun Da Bet Church) |
He helps me to distribute the nets. He is a strong man. |
This man has no house. He lives with his boss. |
Rev. Mar No does the distributing job where I can't go. |
But this one, I go with him. |
No one at home. They went to hospital. A baby was sick. We left a net. |
He came and took the net. |
There are three houses near this house. We asked them to pass the nets to the other families. |
She has three kids. |
I can't walk on this bamboo bridge. Please come and take it. |
She didn't say thank you. Rev. Mar No tells her "Say thank you", then she said. :) |
Rev. Mar No will continue distributing. I am sorry I cannot go there. |
An unedited letter from colleague who did the distribution of mosquito nets:
Dear FOB,
I would like to thank all of you for helping poor people of Myanmar continuously. Even though you don’t have mosquito in your country, you know how dangerous mosquitoes are. Without mosquito nets no one can sleep soundly. If someone can not sleep soundly, he has no enough energy to wok for the next day. Some people have to work every day for food. If he can not work a day, his family will be in trouble. The mosquito nets not only protect them from diseases but also let them sleep soundly because our country is rich with mosquitos and flies.
Today most of the families who receive the nets are Buddhist. So they can feel the love of Christ through your gifts.
May all of you be happy and healthy.
Sincerely Russ