
Thank you for supporting our child care center students

Our local leaders from Burma would like to give their sincere thanks to Friends of Burma supporters.  One of our leaders wrote, “ I would like to give my sincere thanks to FOB for helping and supporting us in many ways. The support of the FOB is very necessary and benefits for our ministry. As our country is facing with many difficulties, your supports are benefit for our ministry. I would like to mention our appreciation to  the love and kindness of all donors. We believe that you will have peace and joyfulness through your love and kindness. We pray for you all. ”  Medical check up for students from a childcare center

Thank you note from our local leader : Christmas gift to a widow

  Dear FOB Donor, I have given the Christmas gift to Daw who is 80 years old. She is a widow. She is very devoted to God. She lives in  a town near Yangon and is very enthusiastic about going to church and worshiping, even in her old age. I greatly appreciate her faith and devotion to God. Her health is weak these days, and she needs medicines and nutritious foods. The Christmas gift is a wonderful reminder of God's blessings and providence in her time of need. I went to her town and gave the Christmas gift to her. She was very glad to receive this wonderful gift from God. I chose to give this gift to her because she deserves God's blessings due to her faith, devotion, and faithful prayers. This Christmas gift brings happiness and joy to those who are struggling in difficult times. Thank you very much for your love and care for those who need God's love and care. Blessings,

FOB Christmas gift 2024: Thank you note from our local leader

Dear FOB Donor, Saya has been helping distribute Christmas gifts and bags of rice to the needy. But this year, he was diagnosed with cancer in his right kidney and had to undergo surgery. He is a breadwinner for his family. His father is a pastor, but all his church members and his family had to leave their hometown because of the current situation in Myanmar. In addition, his father is physically weak and can no longer earn anything for the family. So, Saya is the only one the family has to rely on at this time. I visited him and prayed for him. He was very happy to receive the Christmas gift, which symbolized God's love for us. He asked me to convey his deep gratitude to you for your love and this Christmas gift. I was also grateful for the opportunity to bring the gift to him. May God continue to bless you!

Rice donation

Dear Dr. Neil, Diana, and FOB Donors, We would like to thank you and the FOB donors for your kind and generous donations that have made a difference in the life of many poor families and individuals in Myanmar. Even before the current crisis, Myanmar was one of the poorest countries in the world. Needless to say, the poor people have become poorer and depended on the generous donation from people like you for survival and hope. Whenever we received donations from FOB donors like you, we bought bags of rice (and bottles of oil which we cannot do at this time because of the rising prices of cooking oil and others) and distributed them to the more needy families and individuals. This time, we went to the outskirts of Yangon and gave away some bags of rice to the needy there. Since they unexpectedly received bags of rice when they could hardly put food on their tables (many don't even have tables for food), your donation gave them hope for a better future. Literally, donations like you...

Diana raising money

Diana Sowards, training for 100 meter race in 2022 Indiana State Games , June 11, 2022 to raise money for a generator to allow the Matthew25 Love hospital to keep helping sick people in Pathein, Burma. Donations can be sent to Friends of Burma through PayPal, check, or money order . For PayPal, please specify in the description.

Please! Let My People Go

My name is Saw Peacefully Thomas, I am a Karen pastor from Thai Myanmar border. I am the president of one of Migrant Learning Center in Thailand, hosting more than a thousand students from the Internal Displaced People from Myanmar. I entitle with the role of Kawthoolie Karen Baptist Church’s general secretary. I would like to tell you a short story of my life and I hope that it will be representing Karen and ethnics groups of people in Myanmar. I was born in Karen state, Pi Ta Ka village in 1977 during the time when Burmese military government raised the “four cut four operation,” as characteristics of ethnic cleansing. In the course of this intervention, my family had to fled and moved to Thai Myanmar border. Since I know that I am human being, I have to run for life, move on place to place. My village was burned down. I live, sleep and eat together with wars. Death and arbitrary arrest, brutal violence is hot news and story that I hear for my whole life. When I was 12, in 1989, the ...

Updates on Burma (Myanmar)

We are monitoring updates on Burma (Myanmar), and people demonstrating against the military take-over of the country. We are in contact with our mission colleagues. The Christian leaders in Burma are doing their best as they always did during the previous successive military regimes. History is repeating itself for those of us who lived through 1988. The language and tone of the current State Administration Council sounds like the generals back in the 80s, ready to repress any dissenting voices.  The only difference then and now is this generation is equipped with mobile phones with Internet access, and has been exposed to relative freedom in the last decade since the country opened its doors after 2010. They know that their generation didn't have to pay exorbitant fees to buy a mobile phone number unlike those in the 80s and 90s, when people paid Kyats 2,500,000 (US$ 2,000) for a SIM card. Their demonstration techniques are more sophisticated with humor and witty messages to let t...